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Raflesia Flowers Blooming in Meru National Park Betiri

Written By Unknown on Friday, March 11, 2011 | 10:01 PM

Small corpse flower, Rafflesia zollingeriana, which is one flower that grows and can only be found in the region Betiri Meru National Park (national park), blooms. However, the endangered flower wilt because the change in seasons that are not stable.

"Usually Raflesia flower buds bloom in April and July," said Head of Sub Division of Administration TNMB, Sumarsono Tuesday.

According to him, interest Raflesia need enough light so that the rainy season is not over the summer also switch to threaten its development.

"The fall rains will cause the buds will fall off and rot so Raflesia flowers will wilt before blooming," he said.

He argues, zollingeriana Rafflesia flower grows only in areas endemic TNMB. There is growing interest Raflesia three locations, namely Block Sukamade West Coast, Beach Rajegwesi in Section Processing Park (SPTN) Region I Sarongan (Banyuwangi), and Block Krecek (Line-Bandealit Andongrejo) in Region II SPTN Ambulu (Jember).

"The officer TNMB keep well for dead flowers were not taken because it is a rare flower," he said.

He explained that the flowers that bloom Raflesia diameter 20 to 26 inches and is red brown with white spots.

"Not too long blooming period, a maximum of one week. If the current rainy season like the longest 4 days only," he said.

During this time, he said, trying to steal some flowers of forest encroachers Raflesia as trusted as a special drug peracik femininity and sold to herbal medicine.

"The amount of interest Raflesia each year are always reduced so that increasingly endangered species," he said.

He hopes, residents around the forest was also maintains a rare flower that is in the region so that the population of interest TNMB it is still preserved and not destroyed.
10:01 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Four Brothers Conservation Raflesia

Bulletin board mounted on the roadside. Passing motorists or tourists passing nature-connecting road Kepahiang Bengkulu City would be interested and stop.

"Surely they would stop and ask us to show that the middle flower that blooms," said Burmansyah.

Strong desire to preserve and maintain Raflesia appeared in 1998. In that year they found the corpse flower Amorphophallus titanum left between degraded land in protected forest near their home.

They save the tuber Amorphophallus and brought it home in the village dam Monok. Tubers weighing 65 pounds they are cracked and planting again so that it becomes a new plant.

From saving it until now, they have planted four of the 11 endemic species that grow Amorphophallus in Sumatra. Amorphophallus initial rescue was finally encouraged them to also save arnoldii Rafflesia flower. Moreover, interest rates had been designated as endangered by the Presidential Decree No. 4 of 1993.

Custody rates

Zul said, in 1998-2000 they went back in and out of protected forest. They look for the dots grown Raflesia, make barracks guarding the base and learn the self-taught pembungaannya process.

"That year, in fact, until now, there are just ignorant and destructive Raflesia," said Zul.

Zul told, in 1998, precisely when takbiran night, she was only two hours left Raflesia the middle of bloom. On returning to base he built near the flower that blooms, he found 85 centimeters in diameter flowers were gone.

In addition, they also often find that ignorant people put out flowers, chop-chopped flower petals, roots and even cut flowers to die. "I'm very upset at that time," said Zul.

However, as their sincere intentions, activities seek growth point, keeping the buds to bloom, and learn Rafflesia arnoldii still they do. As a conservationist independent and do not get funding from anywhere, keeping Raflesia activities they do after completing the work in their gardens or fields.

Four brothers were also still willing to share the happiness to see and observe Raflesia if only for a moment. Every time a flower blooms, they must inform them.

Thousands of foreign and domestic tourists, who come to visit the dam Monok, must be guided by four brothers asked to see Raflesia in the woods. To this day, there are 21 points that they grow Raflesia guard.

"If the location where the 21 point growth was confirmed safe, the terrain is difficult and far from the road," said Zul.

Zul said, looking directly arnoldii Rafflesia, in addition to foster care, as well as well as straighten the understanding of society. During this community understand Raflesia as dead flowers and it's wrong. Corpse flower is Amorphophallus titanum.


In 2003 four brothers Amorphophallus move the conservation area to garden land at the edge of the road cross-Kepahiang Bengkulu City, Village dam Monok, Kepahiang. The land behind the house Zul it was obtained from both their parents, Syamsudin (70) and Sihawati (65), as a form of support for the activities of their children. With the land, they also can grow Raflesia dream.

Jumadi said, in 2006, when deciding to form a group of conservationists named TPPL, they've studied Raflesia grow on the trunk or liana which fell on the ground and rooted, rather than from spores. It also stems grow close to the source water or in soil containing water.

"Once the length of time it takes an interest Raflesia to bloom a few days," said Jumadi.

When TPPL formed and confident with their observations over the years, four brothers trying to grow the stem liana Raflesia that, in the garden behind the house Zul. They are made from stem cuttings and planted them in plastic bags (polybags). Some cuttings are now grown.

Unfortunately, conservation efforts had not received a response from the local government or province of Bengkulu Kepahiang. However, conservation measures TPPL already get a response from the Natural Resources Conservation Center (KSDA) Bengkulu. BKSDA assess positive action and support them. While still limited Kepahiang Pemkab TPPL propose as the recipient of Kalpataru 2010.

They do not get your hopes up on aid. Four brothers clung to sincere intention, to preserve the Rafflesia arnoldii now almost extinct.


• Name: Holidin • Born: South Bengkulu, May 14, 1967
 • Name: Zul Zum Dihamzah • Born: South Bengkulu, May 13, 1970
 • Name: Burmansyah • Born: South Bengkulu, August 7, 1973
 • Name: Jumadi • Born: Kepahiang, 24 April 1981
• Education: All graduating high school Kepahiang
• Occupation: Coffee Farmers and conservationists arnoldii Rafflesia flower
10:00 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Bengkulu Have Four Types of Rafflesia

Bengkulu Province has four types of Rafflesia flowers in recent years, the Rafflesia Arnoldi, Gadutensis, Haseltii, and Bengkuluensis.

Rafflesia Researchers from the University of Bengkulu, Agus Susetya, Sunday, said to find one type of flower it takes up to many years.

"Researchers have to crawl up to the inland forests and requires patience, because its existence is difficult to know," he said.

He explained the new Bengkuluensis Rafflesia species found in about 20 years.

Rafflesia is a kind of dead flowers without stems and leaves and has the largest size in the world.

The four types are differentiated by style and size of flowers.

"Of the four types of the Rafflesia Arnoldi is the largest species in the world with a diameter of 70-110 centimeters," he said.

Rafflesia Haseltii has a size of 30-60 inches, Gadutensis about 50 centimeters, Bengkuluensis is the smallest species of about 30 centimeters.

While Haseltii Rafflesia is a species with a beautiful hue compared with the three other types.

He said the type of Rafflesia in the world reached 25 species, among which 11 species in Sumatra and Bengkulu four types.
9:58 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

The World's Biggest Rafflesia

Rafflesia Arnoldi is The Biggest of the 25 known snake-plant Rafflesia in the world, a researcher of Bengkulu University Rafflesia Susatya Agus said.

"We have found That of the 25 species of Rafflesia Throughout the world, arnoldi is The Biggest." He said the arnoldi Rafflesia has a diameter of 70-110 centimeters, and the other species are Smaller.

"Some of the other species as found in Bengkulu Haseltii Rafflesia is the which has a diameter of 30-60 centimeters, 50 centimeters Gadutensis, and Bengkuluensis 30 centimeters," he added. Rafflesia Arnoldi is endemic in West Sumatra, Bengkulu, and Aceh, and to find it rsearchers have to go deep into forested land.

Rafflesias are snake flowers without roots, branches and leaves, and Arnoldi Rafflesias parasitic flowers are found in Bengkulu by an Indonesian guide working for Dr. Joseph Arnold in 1818, and later named after Thomas Stamford Raffles, the head of the expedition. Rafflesias are wide, bright red and with spots. When this flower blooming May-have a diameter of up to 1 meters and 50 centimeters tall.

In Bengkulu, rafflesias installments are found in places like the Kerinci Seblat National Park (TNKS), South Mountain Range National Park (BBSNP), elephant training center (ETC), and at Padang Jar in Kaur regency. The flower is short-lived especially in the absence of proper treatment against ants Including Insects and other small.
9:57 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

It's carrion flower Grows in Fields

Four days later the flowers had started to wilt, crown was already shut. "It seems indeed already started to wilt. All this time I leave, because they do not know how to take care of him," said Huda.

She told him, last night before finding the dead flowers, she had a hunch when sleeping. In his dream, he cut his own banana tree.

"I do not know whether the meanings of dreams. But clearly, the next day I saw a banana in the fields next to the house. It was then that I found the corpse flower is located just next to the banana tree," said the man who worked at the Timber Mill Storage Area Roads Kalianak 55, Surabaya.

Meanwhile, his wife, Kasmini, admitted that he had since two weeks ago to see the flower buds. However, he did not expect such interest is a rare flower that does not grow in any place.

"I think tunasnya banana tree. Because there are close to a banana tree. So I do not suspect and let him alone," said 34-year-old woman.

Looking ahead, it does not have a plan against the interest. However, if there are researchers or government who will buy it, he allows, and do not mind.

"As if it wanted to buy. The result will be I can use to school children and donate the cost of construction of a mosque near the house," said Kasmini.

Known, the name comes from the flowers that smell like rotting carcasses, which meant in fact to invite beetle and fly pollinators for flowers.

Corpse flower is also often used as a nickname for the giant Rafflesia patma arnoldii.

In nature, these plants usually live in moist rain forest areas. This flower is also the official flower of the province of Bengkulu.
9:56 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Puspa for Rafflesia No More Rare

Rafflesia flower habitats that are relatively still awake at this time is on Protected Forest Hill Leaves register 5. During this time, the forest in a register is maintained covering approximately four hectares Puspa Rare Care Team.

"Since we often oversee growth and development of Rafflesia in this location, browser seems afraid to go even further. The location of the nearest most browsers also 50 meters from the location of Rafflesia flowers are blooming now," said Holidin.

Yesterday, an orange flower Rafflesia Arnoldi perfect bloom. Flower diameter of 68 centimeters has been blooming for three days. Its existence is only 300 meters from Highway Bengkulu-Kepahiang attracts many visitors from various walks of life.

In the next month, according to Holidin, there are still two Rafflesia flowers that will bloom. One interest is expected to bloom within two weeks and the flowers only bloom for another month predicted. The location of the two rates is not far from the flower that blooms yesterday.

One visitor, Parkatono (40), said they were proud and thrilled to see the Rafflesia flower directly. "All this just to see from the pictures alone. But now finally able to see first hand," he said.

Parkatono that almost every day passing in Bengkulu, Jalan Raya-Kepahiang transporting sand from Curup, Rejang Lebong hopes Rafflesia flower forest habitat is not destroyed. If the forest as habitat destroyed flower Rafflesia flower is not impossible Bengkulu community pride will be extinct.

Holidin hope, the government cares about Rafflesia flowers with more serious about protecting forests. "We have been doing to preserve the Rafflesia flower. We hope the government is serious about managing forests so as not encroached upon the public," he said.

TPPL has 10 years menangkarkan Rafflesia flower in their own land, an area of ​​three hectares. Already 200s had their tangkarkan trees and 23 of them bloom.

In addition to Rafflesia flower, also plant TPPL carrion flower (Amorphophallus sp.) Until now four types of flowers that had grown TPPL carcass.
9:55 PM | 0 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger